Epidemiology of Dermatophyte Infections in Mongolia. A Five-Year Retrospective Study

Судалгааны тайлбар: Abstract Objectives: Dermatophyte infections have been considered to be a major public health problem in many parts of the world. We investigated the epidemiology of fungal skin infections through a retrospective analysis of patient’s medical records between 2014 and 2019. Methods: A total of 24,484 patients clinically suspected of cutaneous fungal infections were examined. Skin scales, plucked hairs, nail clippings and sub-ungual debris were examined by direct microscopy and culture. Dermatophyte species were identified atthe species level by a combination of morphological and physiological criteria. Results: 13,386 (51.0%) of 24,484 participants were male and 12,843 (48.9%) were females. The male to female ratio was 1:1,1. The mean (±SD) and the median age of the participants were 23.5 (±0.12). Direct microscopy confirmed a combinated rate of 28.5% (6,973/24,484 cases). Among the 1747 mycological suspects cases, 560 (32.1%) patients had dermatophyte and yeast infections based on culture. Tinea corporis 2,420 (9.5%) was the most prevalent type of dermatophytosis followed by tinea faciei 1,338 (5.5%), tinea capitis 1,187 (4.9%), and tinea pedis 833 (3.4%). The percentage of positive cultures most frequent isolated was Trichophyton 19 (1.1%), Microsporum canis 7(0.4%), Candida albicans 518 (29.6%), Candida krusei 11(0.6%). Keywords: Mongolia, Epidemiology, Dermatophyte, Yeast, Skin Infections

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Судалгаа хийгдсэн он
2021 он
Судалгааны арга зүй
Retrospective analysis
Судалгааны салбар
Эрүүл мэндийн шинжлэх ухаан
Санхүүжилтийн эх үүсвэр
Гадаад, дотоодын хөрөнгө оруулалт
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Арьсны өвчин судлалын үндэсний төв lkhagvasurenmd@gmail.com 88091821 Арьсны өвчин судлалын үндэсний төв ....
Судалгааны баг
Enkhtur Yadamsuren1
*, Uranchimeg Tseden-Ish1,2, Bilguuntsooj Soyolbaatar1
, Enkhjargal Jamyansuren2
Sukhbold Byambaa2
, Oyunchimeg Manibadraa2 and Battogtokh Chimeddorj3
Department of Dermatology, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Mycological Laboratory, The National Dermatology Center of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Department of Microbiology, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia


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