Судалгааны тайлбар: The objective of the professional service contract with the “Ensuring Sustainability and Resilience of Green Landscapes in Mongolia” Project of the UNDP/MET is to identify the key biodiversity areas (KBAs) through the IUCN KBA standards (KBA Standards and Appeals Committee, 2020) using the ecoregional assessments (TNC 2011; 2013; 2017a; 2017b) for the target Aimags of the Project study area (see Figure 1), develop a package of database (including supporting GIS data and documentation), and to develop a package of proposals that could be incorporated into the World database of KBA (Key Biodiversity Areas).
The Mongolian database of KBA in target Aimags should include KBA identification analysis based on the national eco-regional assessments completed for region. The work includes the following tasks:
• Assess the Global requirements for integration of the national ERA (Ecoregional Assessments,
ERAs) results for the Project study area (see Figure 1) target Aimags into the international Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA) database;
• Based on the assessment, develop a set of proposals to the Key Biodiversity Areas Secretariat that include a description of the key biodiversity areas in target Aimags and the justifications to include these areas to the World Database of Key Biodiversity Areas in accordance with the Global Standard for the Identification of Key Biodiversity Areas, IUCN 2016;
• Collaborate with the Secretariat of the World Database of Key Biodiversity Areas and organize online meetings;
• Provide general guidance to MET on how to register key priority areas (KBAs) in the World Database of Key Biodiversity Areas.
Identification of key biodiversity areas (KBA) for Mongolia will strengthen protection of the landscapelevel conservation portfolio. It will also provide a valuable opportunity to relate systematic conservation plans to Key Biodiversity Areas. The lessons learned may strengthen conservation efforts around the globe by guiding the translation of other systematic landscape-level conservation plans into the global KBA network.
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- Оруулсан огноо
- 2023.10.11
- Судалгаа хийгдсэн он
- 2022 он
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- 9,900,000.00₮
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- Хуулиар хориглоогүй бусад эх үүсвэр
- Гүйцэтгэгч байгууллага
- The Nature Conservancy
- Захиалагч байгууллага
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